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A Glorious Discovery

Star Wars: The High Republic Lightsaber Revealed!

A "Glorious" Discovery

Fans of Star Wars have much to be excited about with the launch of Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project involving books, comics, and more. One of the most anticipated aspects of this new era is the lightsaber designs. Star Wars: The High Republic is set 25000 years before Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), so it's no surprise that the lightsabers from this era would look different from the ones we're used to.

A New Weapon for a New Era

The High Republic lightsaber has a unique design that sets it apart from other lightsabers in the Star Wars universe. The hilt is longer and more elaborate, and the blade is a brighter, more vibrant color. This lightsaber is a reflection of the Jedi Order's strength and confidence during this era. It is a symbol of their power and their commitment to justice. The High Republic lightsaber is a beautiful and deadly weapon. It is a testament to the skill of the Jedi who wielded it, and it is a reminder of the hope and optimism that defined the High Republic era.


The Star Wars: The High Republic lightsaber is a stunning new addition to the Star Wars universe. It is an innovative and beautiful design, and it perfectly reflects the Jedi Order of this era. Fans of Star Wars will love this new lightsaber, and it's sure to become one of the most iconic weapons in the galaxy far, far away.
